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Cervical Spondylosis

A man was born on February 20, 1991 14:20pm, we analyzed his BaZi chart

 From his BaZi chart, we know that Metal and Wood were fighting each other. Since 2020 GengZi, he has had problems with his cervical spine. In 2022 RenYin, cervical spondylosis will become more serious. Through the analysis of BaZi, we can know the time when the cervical pain begins, and we know it will get better. Apart from slightly affecting the digestive system, other problems will not be too serious.

Exercise is very helpful for him. He can do some rehabilitation exercises for his cervical spine. The essence of cervical pain is that the metal and wood properties of the body fight against each other. Swimming, sprinting and jumping are suitable. Lung Metal is converted into water, then no fighting Wood.


The benefit of Swimming:

1、 Reshape the body: lose the big belly and make the body look more symmetrical.

2、 Lose weight and lower blood sugar: swimming can burn more fat and consume more glucose than other sports.

3、 Maximum reduction of sports injury: water has buoyancy, reduces the pressure of gravity on joints and reduces joint wear. At the same time, water has the function of cushioning and massage, which is of great benefit to muscles and reduces muscle injury.

4、 Promote metabolism: high pressure in swimming water promotes the peristalsis of internal organs. In addition, the massage effect of water can significantly increase the metabolism of internal organs.

5、 Improve cardiopulmonary function: swimming is a whole-body exercise, in which all organs participate. The blood flow speed increases, the contractility of the heart and lungs increases, and the heart and lungs can get good exercise.

6、 Improving the spine is not: including the motor function of cervical spine and lumbar spine, and improving the discomfort of cervical spine and lumbar spine, especially breaststroke and freestyle. The reason is that the weightless state of the spine is conducive to restoring the original position, and these two strokes can make the spine do good left and right rotation, flexion and extension, and the paraspinal muscle can get good exercise.

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