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LuMing case: overall prediction

This time, let’s make a more detailed prediction.

Born in China at 8 p.m. on December 26, 1985. 

LuMing Chart:

Let’s first see what information we can draw from the four pillars. Ignore LP and Year first.

Four Pillars: 乙丑 戊子 己亥 甲戌

DM己 was born in the month of MC子, Is the energy of 子water large enough? Look around it. MHS is 戊, YEB is 丑.  The Earth(戊丑) surrounds the 子water and limits it. 

Continue to observe.

YHS乙 wants to help(Wood countered Earth), but it has no help on the Earthly Branches support. It is isolated and also affected.

Couple Palace is 亥, it is MC’s helper. But there is a 戌(HEB) next to it. It is also limited by Earth(戌).

HHS乙甲 wants to help(Wood countered Earth), but it was affected by DM. 甲 and 己 combination. So neither wood can do anything.


The above is our analysis of Four Pillars structure. Are they useful? What information can be obtained?

Of course they are useful. Now we need to see10 Gods.

From the above analysis, we can draw the following conclusions:

  1. Her career will not be very good, she will have a career, but the future is not good.
  2. She will marry normally, but her husband is not strong enough to do much for her.
  3. Her economy will often fall into crisis, her financial situation is bad, and she will spend a lot.
  4. Family and friends do not bring good help. They are often obstacles.
  5. Her kidney and digestive system will have problems.
  6. She cannot provide good education for children, and their growth will be affected.
  7. She worked harder than others and didn’t say much. but still can’t solve the problem alone.

The above will be the main melody of her life. We can analyze it through the four pillars. When will these things happen? We need to combine LP and Year to analyze.

子Water is IW, It is constrained. We didn’t see the symbol of fire. Her parents divorced at an early age.

We found that the first LP is 己丑Earth. LP has been in charge for ten years. This will make things worse. We said that Earth is harmful here. When she was a child, her family was very poor. Her parents divorced. She lived with her poor grandmother.

The second and third LP are 庚寅Gengyin and 辛卯Xinmao. Although we need Metal(庚辛) to make Water(亥子). But Metal and Wood appear at the same time, and they weaken each other. Things will not change very well. But it still climbed up a little.

She got married at the age of 40. The time is 甲午, 甲 is DO, means husband, In this environment, it belongs to late marriage. In the following years, she often wanted to divorce because her husband didn’t work and kept asking her for money. She has a daughter. 

In 2018(戊戌Earth), she has a lot of liabilities. It has not been solved until now. She can only work hard and take several jobs, but her husband doesn’t work. They have not divorced yet, although they have always wanted to divorce.

Her body has always been poor, her kidney is not good, and her spirit is unstable, and she is under great pressure.


The above is the current destiny of this chart.

Divorce should start in the year of 2025, and life be better should start in 2028.

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