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How to judge what happend on the time of a month or a day?

A man was born on July 4, 1992, at 8 am, in China. The question is: What will happen on the evening of September 23, 2022?

First of all, we need to convert time into the symbols of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, and we can use the tool: Perpetual Calendar

Now we count all the symbols to be used:

Four Pillars: Year Pillars壬申, Month Pillars丙午, Day Pillars辛巳, Hour Pillars壬辰

LP: 己酉(The last year of 己酉)

Year: 2022壬寅

Month: 己酉

Day: 己卯



There are 16 symbols in total. How can we judge what happened on this day? 

We need to analyze it layer by layer.

Let’s analyze the Four Pillars first. 壬申 丙午 辛巳 壬辰. DM is 辛, MC is 午. MHS is 丙. We said that MC has the strongest energy. You will find that 午 丙 巳 all represents fire. So they form a strong energy together, and nothing else can stop them. That will bring harm. 午Fire is 7K. Once the 7K energy is out of balance, it will have an impact, including: huge pressure, collision from cars, damage from the outside world, prison, damage from weapons, damage from others, and so on. 

Then we look at the symbol of the year pillars. The Earthly Branches is 申, we know 申 is the root of DM辛, but the strong Fire(午丙巳) hurt 申(火克金), then we can speculate that this person’s body has been bad, especially when he meets the symbol of fire and gold. 

LP 己酉, 酉 also the root of DM申, 2022壬寅, 寅 clash 申, the month 己酉, day 己卯, 卯 clash 酉, DM’s root all hurt by 寅卯 and strong Fire(午丙巳). So we judge that it is from physical injury. 寅卯 can mean hair, hands, liver and gall. and 申酉 can mean machines, heavy metals, vehicles. So we can judge that these things have caused damage.

So what is the role of 己Ji?

己Ji is IR, It can represent protection, 己Ji is Earth, Earth and wood are mutually consumed. It reduces the degree of injury. If don’t have 己Ji,  may suffer more harm.

The truth is that his finger was cut off by the sawing machine when he went to work at night.

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