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Category: Free LuMing Class

Division of control time about LP and Year

The symbol of LP and Year have different working time, when using LuMing, if you don’t know this, you can’t determine the time of the event, and the judgment result will be very vague and…

How to judge whether the time of LuMing chart is correct

Sometimes, we don’t know the birth time of others. This may be controversial. When a person is famous, you will see that there are many kinds of charts about him online, They have different times…

Importance of MC

Perhaps you have seen the Four Pillars prediction method online, they like to call it BaZi(8 symbols), but there is no doubt that these methods are useless, which makes LuMing not accepted by many people,…

Four Burial(四墓库) Stages of the Earthly Branches

In the Earthly Branches, there are four special symbols. They are called Four Burial(四墓库) . The Four Burial Stages of the earthly branches are Chen, Xu, Chou and Wei(辰戌丑未). Why are they special? Where are…

Summary of things that LuMing symbol can represent

This is very important because you always use these symbols when using LuMing, including two symbols: Heavenly Systems and the Earthly Branches, 10 Gods. We must first clarify why a symbol can be associated with…

Can hard work change destiny?

Does LuMing deny people’s subjective initiative?  Does LuMing make people accept destiny more negatively? Is any effort meaningless? … Of course not. These are all wrong ideas. Now I will explain why they are wrong.…

Which chart is worse?

In the following two charts, which one do you think has a worse destiny? One is the article we wrote before. >>Link Here<< His Chart: His previous 40 years were full of setbacks and frustrations.…

How to judge marriage?

Remember the Four-Pillars structure as we said before. Focus on Couple Palace, above the chart is å·³.  Then look at its relationship with MC. The following situations may occur: 1.It has the same symbol as…

The Usage of ShenSha(神煞)

Although calculators discharge a lot of ShenSha(神煞) for us, most of them are useless.  What is ShenSha? In the red box of the picture below is Shensha. There is no good explanation on the internet.…

The Usage of LP

Luck Pillars called LP, we have said its origin before, When you create a model that simulates the motion of celestial bodies, you need to fix the bugs. In ancient times, it was divided into…
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