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Summary of things that LuMing symbol can represent

This is very important because you always use these symbols when using LuMing, including two symbols: Heavenly Systems and the Earthly Branches, 10 Gods.

We must first clarify why a symbol can be associated with so many things. They seem to have no logical connection?

You can understand that this is a holographic nature of things. Different things are divided into one block according to their possible same attributes, and are uniformly represented by a symbol. 

For example, when you see the sun, you may associate it with heat, warm personality, heart, and so on. This is a classification of things. Create such a classification, and then use a symbol to represent them.

Any prediction needs to be extended with the help of symbols, and LuMing is no exception. The advantage of LuMing is that its model is very accurate.

That’s all, let’s learn the key points.


Heavenly Systems and the Earthly Branches


You don’t need to remember them. In fact, they can be infinitely expanded. You can be familiar with them in continuous use.

甲Jia(Yang Wood): Thunder, big trees, leaders, wood, pillars, poles, tall buildings; In human body, they are head, head and face, hair, eyebrows, arms, limbs, liver and gallbladder, meridians, nerves; In human nature, they are lenient, honest, outstanding and noble;

乙Yi(Yin Wood): Wind, seedlings, arbors, flowers and trees, cork strips, vines, vegetables, crops, gardens, parks, mountains, railings, brushes, silk threads, handmade; In human body, they are neck, spine, wrist, ankle, gall bladder, hair and meridians; In human nature, they are simple, kind, tender, elegant;

丙Bing(Yang Fire): Sun, light, emperor, power, warmth, color, change, film and television, media, information, fame, flowers, beauty, decoration, palace, theater, article, painting, surface, performance, speech, electricity, electrical appliances; In human body, they are eyes, nerves, brain, blood pressure, small intestine and shoulder; In human nature, they are compassionate, positive, talkative, passionate and thoughtful;

丁Ding(Yin Fire): Stars, starlight, aura, lights, civilization, culture, characters, thoughts, medicine, metaphysics, theology, incense, flowers, heart, electricity, electronics, network, articles, books, newspapers, honors, fame; In human body, they are eye, heart, blood vessel and nerve; In human nature, they are elegant, thoughtful, mysterious and intelligent;

戊Wu(Yang Earth): Land, hills, high slopes, revetments, cities, governments, buildings, real estate, warehouses, parking lots, monasteries, antiques, coatings, bricks and tiles, collectibles, and bumps; In human body, they are nose, stomach, skin and muscle; In human nature, they are loyal, slow, mature and hard;

己Ji(Yin Earth): Cloud, garden, courtyard, house, cemetery, plain, agriculture, animal husbandry, cement, building materials, fruit, wealth, dust, dirt, spots, self;  In human body, they are spleen, abdomen, skin and pancreas; In human nature, they are reserved, cautious and suspicious;

庚Geng(Yang Metal): Frost, hard iron, ironware, sharp tools, hardware, steel, minerals, mines, machinery, manufacturing, finance, military, police, cars, roads, surgery, hospitals; In human body, they are large intestine, large bone, lung, teeth and umbilicus; In human nature, they are strong, powerful, irascible and stubborn;

辛Xin(Yin Metal): Moon, gold, jewelry, jade, diamonds, gold jewelry, crystals, musical instruments, needles, scissors, pens, coins, finance, medicine, fine processing, law; In human body, they are lung, respiratory tract, throat, nasal cavity, ear, muscles and bones, and small bones; In human nature, they are accessible, soft, flexible and vanity;

壬Ren(Yang Water): The sea, rivers, lakes, shipping, transportation, trade, aquatic products, bathing, oil; In human body, they are mouth, bladder, blood and circulatory system; In human nature, they are resourceful, dynamic and willful;

癸Gui(Yin Water): Rain and dew, spring, snow, pond, crystal, tears, ink, aquatic products, metaphysics, intellectual industry, strategy; In human body, they are kidney, eye, bone marrow, brain, semen and menstrual blood; In human nature, they are wise, intelligent, alert and gentle;

亥Hai(Water): Rivers, lakes, towers, temples, toilets, sewers, ditches. Tent, cloth, pen and ink, lampstand, hair. Kidney, bladder, vagina, secretion, Yongquan point, anus, head, neck, right foot.

子Zi(Water): Rivers, streams, ponds, ditches, wells, puddles, low-lying wet places, dirty places, muddy places, wet places, toilets, pools, sewers. Bladder, urethra, genitalia, semen, menstruation, ear, blood, sweat.

丑Chou(Earth): Wet ground, dark place, mud ground, tomb, mulberry garden, bridge, palace, earth bag. Cabinets, steel utensils, locks, keys, jewelry, jewelry, shoes. Spleen, abdomen, uterus, penis, lips, left foot, skin, waist.

寅Yin(Wood): Bridges, gardens, parks, lawns. Clothes, medicinal materials, flowers and trees, documents, invoices, property, coffins, censers. Gall, hair, palm, arm, left leg.

卯Mao(Wood): Bridges, boats, roads, streets, and places with lush flowers and plants. Bed, door and window, boat, vehicle, comb. Liver, nerve, body hair, finger, left rib, tendon, eye, large intestine, elbow.

辰Chen(Earth): Mounds, cemeteries, small houses, pots, jars, hard objects, porcelain, medicine, incense paper, Abdomen, waist, stomach, intestine, large intestine, small intestine, rectum, anus, skin, left chest, left shoulder, back and knee.

巳Si(Fire): Busy places, public entertainment places, brick factories, smelters, chemical plants, barbecue shops, electrical appliances stores. Money, stove, brick, porcelain, words, books, tickets, documents. Heart, face, mouth, throat, teeth, lips, hands, left shoulder, small intestine, spleen.

午Wu(Fire): Lobby, conference room, cinema, casino, game hall, underground casino, disco, dance floor. Information, telephone, pager, e-mail, article, television, audio, electrical appliances, calligraphy and painting. Forehead, eyes, tongue, stomach, small intestine, spirit.

未Wei(Earth): Yard, field, brick factory, chemical factory, kitchen. Sweet food, wine, banquet, medicine, clothes. Spine, right shoulder, stomach, abdominal cavity, small intestine, head and hand.

申Shen(Metal): River source, wheat field, iron frame, steel plant, car factory, shrine, Buddha hall. Knife, sword, scalpel, gold, silver, iron, automobile, airplane, bicycle. Large intestine, right chest, right arm, bone, lung.

酉You(Metal): Parking lot, airport, flat land, runway, smooth land. Mirror, glass, treasure, jewelry, stone pillar, bone, washing machine, oil barrel, gas bottle, valve, melon and fruit. Lung, right rib, arm, back, bone, blood essence.

戌Xu(Earth): Kitchen stoves, places where bones stink, cemeteries, Taoist temples, transformers, substations, oil depots. Jars, hard objects, dry objects, transformers, microwave ovens, dryers, ovens, medicine boxes, medicines, bricks, tiles, porcelain, locks, keys, and bones. Right leg, knee, wrist, head, face, heart, abdominal cavity.



甲乙寅卯 Cyan, green

丙丁巳午 Red, red, bright red

庚辛申酉 White, silver

壬癸亥子 Black, gray

戊己辰戌丑未 Yellow



子: Rat Swallow Bat

丑: cattle, elephants

寅: lion, tiger and leopard

卯: rabbit, fox, donkey and mule

辰: Dragon, fish, shrimp and turtle

巳: snake, python and grasshopper

午: horse, deer

未: sheep

申: Monkeys and orangutans

酉: chicken, duck, goose, quail

戌: Dog, wolf, badger

亥: Pig, bear


These are the things that can be represented by Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. 

You will find that they will overlap, it’s normal. There are no specific standards, and you don’t have to recite these. Everything can be classified. Endorsement is meaningless. You need to choose flexibly when using. Practice more, and you will naturally remember them.


10 Gods


F – Friend (比肩)

Useful: Be resilient, persevere in the end, not admit defeat, brave and persistent, always get help from others

Harmful: Hot personality, like fighting, like fighting, always causing trouble, fall ill


RW – Rob Wealth (劫财)

Useful: Get help from friends or family, good health, focused and persistent

Harmful: Always spend money for others, partners are always attracted by others, cooperation will lose money, poor


EG – Eating God (食神)

Useful: Versatility and artistic talent, do business, have the ability to make money, fat but beautiful, like traveling, temperament, good at expression

Harmful: not good at words, lack of ability to make money, stray, no target, jobless, lonely


HO – Hurting Officer (伤官)

Useful: diplomat, likes performance and is good at speech, very smart, attractive, artist

Harmful: Brag, cheat, conflict with your boss, sophistry, lonely, disobey orders


IW – Indirect Wealth (偏财)

Useful: Financial talent, Inherit a large fortune, multiple income, amorist, generous, lots of friends

Harmful: amorist, be derelict in duty and run irrelevant business, squander, brag, Illegal income


DW – Direct Wealth (正财)

Useful: A stable job, Integrity, good at financial management, like to make friends, keen business opportunities

Harmful: Little income, bad love, no income and work, no lovers


7K – Seven Killing (偏官 or 七殺)

Useful: Self-discipline, good at management, seriousness, integrity, power, decisiveness and persistence, smart

Harmful: Bad health, gunpowder barrel, violence, cruelty, fight, hesitate


DO – Direct Officer (正官)

Useful: Integrity, kindness, government agency, honesty and compliance

Harmful: Stubborn, pedantic, unstable work, rigid


IR – Indirect Resource (偏印)

Useful: Metaphysical talent, silence, spirituality, maternal love, kindness

Harmful: Strange, poor, stubborn, negative, mentally weak, lonely


DR – Direct Resource (正印)

Useful: Kindness, integrity, maternal love, reputation, prestige, house

Harmful: Lazy, stubborn, poor, stupid, dull


These are the things that 10 Gods can represent, but they are the main ones. They can represent everything. You need to practice to experience them.

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