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Why always can‘t get married?

Male, born at 22:40 on April 3, 1981

LuMing Chart:

He is over 40 years old and has never married. He is in poor financial condition and has low self-esteem. He dare not express himself to people he likes. Even in love, the time is very short, because he has no enough attraction, no money, unstable work, low self-esteem, and he is not young. He is also in poor health. So far, he is very confused. He doesn’t know what to do in the future? Don’t know what suitable for?

Why was that happend?

Will his life be better in the future?

What can we see from his LuMing chart? 

What helpful suggestions can we provide through the chart?

Use the method to analysis we taught before. DM辛 born in MC卯, Year Pillars辛酉, Month Pillars辛卯, 辛辛酉 constitute a Metal force. M卯 is IW, which means wealth, love, marriage, father, keen business opportunities, generous. Now 辛辛酉 hurt it(卯), So you will see that everything related to MC(卯IW) will have a negative development. So he has no money, unstable work, no love and no marriage. This caused his inferiority complex. Besides, his father is ill.

We can quickly find the reason from the chart. Then we know what symbol is needed. Strong Fire(丙) restrains these Metal(辛辛酉). Strong Wood(甲) is also needed. Earth(戊己丑辰戌未) and Metal(庚辛申酉) will make the situation worse. From 2020(庚子), 2021(辛丑), We can know that his life is hard. 

Now we have a very clear grasp of this chart. Let’s see LP. Before the age of 48, it was difficult. LP: 庚寅, 己丑, 戊子, 丁亥. Fortunately, the rainbow always comes after the storm. From the age of 43(Year甲辰), life has ushered in a turnaround. From next year, luck will come. He will fall in love this year(癸卯) and get married next year(甲辰) or the year after(乙巳). Wealth will also increase.

If your life is hard at present, don’t lose faith in life, because fate is a cycle, and it won’t always be bad.


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