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Division of control time about LP and Year

The symbol of LP and Year have different working time, when using LuMing, if you don’t know this, you can’t determine the time of the event, and the judgment result will be very vague and rough.

How long is the symbol of LP and Year in charge?

Let’s take an example.

LP: 乙丑, 丙寅, 丁卯, 戊辰, 己巳, 庚午

Note that the symbol of the Heavenly Systems is in charge of the first five years, and the symbol of the Earthly Branches is in charge of the remaining five years, a total of 10 years.

This person’s life is very bumpy, In the past 30 years, he has almost spent his life in pain. He is poor and in poor health. In our previous tutorial, it is easy to analyze the use of this chart using our method. Water(亥, 子, 壬, 癸) and Metal(庚申辛酉) are useful symbol. In the first five years of 丙寅 LP, he has been taking drugs and injections to maintain his life. You know why? 丙 and 辛  combine. 丙 is yang Fire, very strong fire.  it influenced the useful symbol 辛Metal. That means MC’s energy is weakened because there is no helper. Heavenly Systems in LP is 丙. It has been in charge of the previous five years. So you will know why he has been taking medicine for the past five years.

The above is the action time of LP.

So how to judge the symbol of every Year?

 The same use of LP, the symbol of Year also has different working time. the symbol of the Heavenly Systems is in the first half of the year, and the symbol of the Earthly Branches is in the second half of the year. 

For example, his income suddenly increased tenfold in the first half of last year. Last year was 壬寅, the symbol of the first half is 壬, 壬 is Water, and it’s helpful, So you know what happened. This year(癸卯) is also good luck for him.

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