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The Usage of LP

Luck Pillars called LP, we have said its origin before, When you create a model that simulates the motion of celestial bodies, you need to fix the bugs. In ancient times, it was divided into eight, because the average life expectancy in ancient times was low.

How to use LP correctly?

When we use the calculator to drain the chart, we find out which LP Tai Sui(Year) corresponds to. Then we use it.

Heavenly Systems and Earthly Branches are two sets of symbols. Although Hidden Systems has linked them, their functions are still different. They need to be distinguished when used.

  • Things related to LP’s Heavenly Stem happen very quickly, which is the main theme of 10 years of life. such as: the 10 Gods of LP’s Heavenly Stem is DW, then in the past ten years, you may focus on your work and love.  if the 10 Gods of LP’s Heavenly Stem is 7K, then in the past ten years, you may focus on health or power, may also be lawsuits.
  • Things related to LP’s Earthly Branche happen very slowly, It must have various functional relationships with the other Earthly Branches before it can react to the Earthly Branches. That is to say, it is not direct. 
  • Heavenly Systems are active while Earthly Branches are quiet. Once the Earthly Branche react violently, it will greatly affect the Heavenly Stems.

For example, any LuMing Chat:

2040 LP is 辛亥, Although he is small, he has a strong desire for power. MC is 丑, 10 gods is DW, His main focus is on wealth and power, which is not conducive to his study.

2070 LP is 戊申, The main focus of this decade is still on work and making money. two 申 clash 寅, body began to get bad and cost a lot.

2090 LP is 丙午, 丙 is EG, This decade is mainly about enjoying life.


That’s the use of LP.

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